KnowledgeSync Ideas

Ideas for the KnowledgeSync software product including EventPaks.

Exportable query results

Requested by Copiers Excellence C40432:
Customer raised concerns about how long it took to export a query to CSV or excel once it was created.

Vincent who is their power user said it took him 15 minutes or so to write the query but then had to manually add the columns to the export which would take him another 20 – 30 minutes minimum to do (report we looked at that he wanted to generate had 108 columns of data).

He asked whether we had any plans to provide an execution action such as an ‘export’ button that could generate the CSV as designed in the query, without having to then double handle the data entry by adding the columns to the export.

In terms of e-automate, specifically; whilst users are able to customise their own reports natively by pulling in columns from linked tables using the inbuilt reporting module, a lot of the related tables that could be joined are not, so they have a reliance on KS to stitch data from multiple SQL tables and have this show up in one consolidated report – they don’t necessarily need to email this out anywhere, it’s just about having on-demand visibility of the data and the ability to effortlessly drop this into a spreadsheet to slice, dice, pivot and filter, without having to create an event, add in the column names, create a file, nominate a subscriber and then wait for the event to run and deliver the results.

  • Jamie Bradley
  • May 29 2024
  • Attach files
  • Jamie Bradley commented
    December 16, 2024 05:40

    Robert, specifically what info do you need? The requirement is simply to have your query results exportable into CSV format, for ease of user access to report style data - without the need to pin the query to an event and create a report file by individually specifying the column names. Just looking for a way to press a button that exports the query preview into a web generated CSV or Excel file.

  • Admin
    Robert Brown commented
    December 13, 2024 18:45

    Jamie...I need more details on this please.